Love photographing sunsets? Learn how smartphone apps can help you predict sunrises and sunsets in my just published feature in the Spring Edition Canadian Photo News magazine. Check out the article here. Continue in the picture book format to lot’s of other helpful articles by seasoned photography writers on tips for shooting wildlife photos, helpful macro photography techniques, inside secrets shooting in RAW format and more.
You can also pick up the free magazine issue at the following locations across Canada:
Henry’s Photo, Lozeau Photo, Gosselin Photo, The Camera Store, Kerrisdale Camera, Don’s Photo, Forest City , Camera Kingston, Photo Central, Burlington Camera and London Drugs in the western provinces.

Using Android and iPhone Apps, you can plan your exact spot, within one meter, to shoot a glorious sunset against a famous statue, bridge or building. You don’t have to scramble while travelling, hoping to get that perfectly composed sunset photo, or sunrise, even moon movements against the horizon.

Mobile Software like Sun Location and Sun Locator for Android and The Photographer’s Ephemeris for iPhone and Android are my favourites. They basically superimpose graphical data on top of GPS maps to help you predict where and when the sun will pop up or disappear on the horizon. Or predict where the sun or moon will be on your smartphone screen at various times of the day or night.

I planned the sunset pictures in Photo News as well as others below in Dubai well before I even left Canada for my travels. Even ocean tide tables helped me access a perfect temporary dry spot for my sunset photo in Spain.

Want to shoot a 500mm zoom telephoto fireball sunset gently floating down on the right side of the Parthenon in Greece? Plan before you get there.

Instead of an arduous week of planning, in pre-smartphone years, I could have avoided several days of scoping out the best sunset site, more than two km away, not to mention last minute scrambling up apartment roofs for the right spot. And a very patient cabbie who was lugging my gear around! Using my favourite Android Sun Location App helped me find the right spot before I even left home.